March 6, 2024
woman jumping using perch evaluate

New Perch Product Launch: Perch EVALUATE

Perch EVALUATE is here. Assess readiness and fatigue at the weight rack. No additional equipment. No change to workflow.

With Perch EVALUATE, use Perch to assess jump performance to understand athlete readiness and performance at the weight rack. Enhance efficiency by seamlessly integrating jump testing into the normal weight room workflows right at the weight rack.

Track and report progress using intuitive reporting tools with Perch Evaluate.

What Are Assessments?

Perch EVALUATE enables jump testing and assessments. Assessments are a way to get feedback on the state of the athlete. Generally, how the athlete’s nervous system is responding to training. Assessing athletes prior to the training session for the day is critical in understanding if a session needs to be adjusted to optimize training for the individual on a daily basis. Assessment of athlete’s readiness over time will allow you to:

  • Track training impact
  • Track injury progression / return to play
  • Prevent injury / overtraining
  • Demonstrate proof of training impact i.e. if a program is having the intended outcomes and adaptations (is my athlete getting faster, more explosive, jumping higher etc).

What type of Evaluations can I track?

Currently we offer three jump assessments:

  • Countermovement Jump (Arms Fixed)
  • Countermovement Jump (Arms Swing)
  • Continuous Jumps

For all three of these assessments, you may have access to five metrics, depending on your software tier:

  • Jump height
  • RSI Mod
  • Time to Takeoff
  • Takeoff Velocity
  • Rep Count

How Do I Access EVALUATE?

To access EVALUATE, open your Perch app and go into the Exercise Select menu and select the tab in the top right labeled EVALUATE. Once selected, you should see the exercise selection menu change from your normal exercises to the jumps listed above.

We would recommend testing the camera's presets before jumping. Keep in mind, the further back you get from the camera, the more of the cone that represents the field of view you'll have to work with. We recommend that you have your athletes stand roughly 8 to 12 feet away from the camera to ensure Perch captures the full ROM.

To record a set, simply press the RECORD button at the bottom of the page. The rep recording will look slightly different than it does normally - instead of a bar for each rep, it will display a circle that shows the value of each recorded rep. As you jump, you will see the Rep Count increase in the top left hand corner of the screen to reflect the number of jumps performed. To save a set, hit the Stop button at the bottom of the page.

What Data Insights Do You Offer for EVALUATE?

Perch EVALUATE comes with built in insights on both the tablet and web application. You can see:

Overview stats: Quickly compare results from today’s set to recent sets and the athlete’s 30-day average, and compared to your all time best for the selected assessment.

Stop-light feature: Perch will highlight when an athlete is performing outside of their normal range.

  • Green = Above 1 standard deviation
  • Yellow = -1 to -2 standard deviations
  • Red = Below -2 standard deviations


  • The “blue zone” charting function allows you to quickly assess whether evaluated sets are within 1 standard deviation from the mean over a selected window of time.
  • A dotted line shows the set average for the time period selected.

Stat comparison table:

  • Stoplight feature based on standard deviation

These stats will all also be visible in the Perch Web App under the individual athlete "EVALUATE" tab so coaches can understand readiness, performance, and progress over time.

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