Perch for Every Professional Athlete

Perch is used by the world’s most elite professional athletics organizations to optimize performance, manage fatigue, profile athletes, quantify daily readiness, and win games.

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Trusted by

Professional Athletics

Keep valuable athletes safe, healthy, and performing optimally with Perch weight room technology.

Benefits of Using Perch in
Professional Athletics

Perch is used by every one of the major 5 leagues in the US, and a growing number of other professional leagues both internationally and domestically. Learn more about the Perch professional athletic application below.

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Enhance Athlete Buy-In

Improve motivation with immediate and objective feedback and real time competition. Justify training decisions by using longitudinal data to illustrate athlete progress. Measure workout compliance to understand what may be holding athletes back.

Protect Your Investment

Perch is a non-contact measurement device that stays up and out of the way. Not attached to the athlete or barbell, it is less likely to get damaged. This safeguards your investment and ensures your technology is always available.

Reduce injury risk

Leverage real-time feedback and objective data points to inform readiness and fatigue. Use Perch’s bar path feature to provide technique feedback. Closely monitor any red flags before they become larger issues and adjust training to meet the moment.

See progress in season

Quantify progress to help athletes and coaches see objective performance improvements over the course of a season. Autoregulate intensity to stimulate athlete progress and be confident you are not pushing too hard or too light.

Smart technology. better training. exponential progress.

Trusted by the best

Assess readiness with
Perch Evaluate
Improve performance with
Perch Train
Create and Deliver Individual Programs with
Perch Plan

Everything You Need, Nothing You Don't

A unified solution designed to maximize every moment in the weight room to increase athletic performance and safety

Powerful Performance, designed for the weight room!

See how all Perch products, from hardware to software, work together to deliver a seamless weight room experience.

Explore Hardware

Perch Users Are Across Every Level of Competition.

Check Out Their Stories Here
Major League Soccer

Major League Soccer

Learn more about using VBT and Perch in Major League Soccer with Coach Daniel Hicker. Sports technology can help improve performance in MLS!

Baseball and VBT

Baseball and VBT

Learn more about baseball and VBT with Coach Brandon Golden formerly of ECU and the Dodgers organization, now with Future Fit App!

Hebron Christian Academy

Hebron Christian Academy

Learn more about using VBT and Perch at Hebron Christian Academy with Coach Spencer Arnold. Sports tech and VBT helps high school athletes!

Perch Install at the University of Georgia Football

"It just gives us the chance to give athletes autonomy. They come in the weight room and doing it their own. It's amazing how quick they pick up on the technology."

Perch Install at UPenn

"Penn in the Ivy League is the intersection of Peak performance and Peak academic stressors, we need a solution for stressors they receive in both of those environments. Perch allows us to do that by providing data-driven solutions."

Perch Install at UNC Football

"The ability to track guys instantaneously and to analyze their movement patterns through technology in the weight room has been fantastic."

Perch Install at University of Maryland Football

"The equipment, the technology, the Perch and the velocity-based training, I think it's been the single biggest influence on our program. It's given a whole new dynamic to our training because it's a new level of focus for our athletes."

Perch Install at McHenry High School

"What I loved about it there was no tether to have the camera be mounted in the rack where I can focus on the athlete and coaching. It's very user-friendly and so their ability to engage and get feedback has been phenomenal."

Perch Install at Kansas State

"Working with Perch has been a breath of fresh air, from day one, they provided us with Gold Standard customer service."

Perch Install at Hebron Christian Academy

"It's relatively seamless for the athletes. At the same time, I get really accurate objective data. I can literally take models of training and produce evidence that those models of training do or don't work."

Perch Install at Wake Forest University

"The team's been awesome. Got everything installed, all our guys were able to get around them, ask questions, get right into it and hit the ground running day one."

Video Description

Scott Sinclair

University of Georgia

Head of Strength & Conditioning Coach

Video Description

Cory Walts

University of Pennsylvania

Director of Strength & Conditioning

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Brian Hess

University of North Carolina

Head Strength & Conditioning Coach — Football

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Ryan Davis

University of Maryland

Director Strength & Conditioning — UMD Football

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John Beerbower

McHenry High School

Director Strength & Conditioning

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Trumain Carroll

Kansas State University

Director Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Spencer Arnold

Hebron Christian Academy

Director Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Chad Bari

Wake Forest University

Director of Football Sports Performance


The Nest: Get cozy with sports science in our blog space

The Ultimate Edge in Weight Room Technology: Why Perch Stands Out

The Ultimate Edge in Weight Room Technology: Why Perch Stands Out

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The Essential Role of Non-Invasive Weight Room Technology

The Essential Role of Non-Invasive Weight Room Technology

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Strength Training Load Progression and Velocity-Based Training

Strength Training Load Progression and Velocity-Based Training

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Unveiling the Power of Load Velocity Profiling: A Coach's Guide to Athlete Optimization

Learn more about the power of load velocity profiling and how to optimize athlete performance

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The Importance of Pre-Workout Evaluation and Jump Assessments: Unlocking Athletic Potential

Learn about the importance of evaluation and jump assessments pre-workout to unlock athletic potential

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Learn more about a new product from Perch: Perch EVALUATE, used to assess athlete readiness and fatigue, and track progress at the weight rack.

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Perch PLAN

Learn about a new product from Perch, Perch PLAN, our new programming tool built for the weight room

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Creating an Optimal Performance Monitoring Plan for Coaches: A Guide to Maximizing Athletic Potential

Learn more about creating an optimal performance monitoring plan for coaches to help athletes maximize their athletic potential

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Key Metrics to Monitor in the Weight Room for Performance Tracking

Learn about the Key Metrics to Monitor in the Weight Room for Performance Tracking

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Unlocking Strength Training Technology

learn more about how to use strength training technology to optimize weight room performance

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Absolutely! One of the best parts of VBT and Perch is the ability to enhance intent and increase a competitive atmosphere. With Perch's leaderboard you can create custom competitions for teams or groups, any exercise, any time window, any metric.

Perch is a cloud-based system. All of your data will be able to be viewed on your tablet, though most easily seen and organized in your dashboard at From there, you can look at the performance of your entire organization down to an individual athlete level, understand programming compliance, readiness, and even export any data through our robust export feature.

Perch doesn’t have a cap on athletes using a singular device, though we recommend in the interest of weight room flow, and for maximum ease of use, somewhere between 1-6 athletes during a session on a single device.

Perch tracks almost any lift in the weight room. Anything you do with a barbell, trap bar, safety squat bar, or other funky bar you have. We also capture non-barbell or bodyweight movements performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, or any other implement. And even if we can't track it yet, with Perch PLAN you can program anything and record load so you understand total volume using just Perch in the weight room.

We currently track 11+ metrics through Perch TRAIN, and 4+ metrics through Perch EVALUATE. For example: Mean and peak velocity, mean and peak power, eccentric mean velocity, eccentric time, and many more!.

Yep! Perch is compatible with most racks right out of the box. If your rack has a cylindrical cross member, or an obtrusion, we have a solution called the “Rack Adapter” that will enable you to use Perch no problem! You can even use Perch even without a weight rack. Perch can be placed on the ground or box and capture data from that angle. You can also pack it down into a compact carrying case for portability.

Perch can be powered via wall or outlet power, or with our Perch battery. The Perch battery has 10-12 hours of continuous usage, can power down in between sessions, and is fully rechargeable in about 3-4 hours. It has rubber coated magnets to attach anywhere on your weight rack.

Start Gathering Data With Perch Today!

Reach out to us to speak with a representative and get started using Perch in your facility.