Perch Evaluate™

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With PERCH EVALUATE, Use Cameras To Assess Jump Performance And Understand Athlete Readiness And Fatigue At The Rack. Enhance Efficiency By Seamlessly Integrating Jump Testing Into Existing Weight Room Workflows.
Fast and consistent assessments
Seamlessly assess athlete jump performance. Perform at-rack evaluations to inform fatigue and readiness. Merge assessments with workouts for an uninterrupted training experience.

Evaluate readiness and fatigue
Easily understand how athletes compare to their baseline. Identify leading indicators of fatigue and readiness to reduce injury risk.

Real Time Decision Making
Gain immediate, practical feedback on athlete performance on 4 unique metrics, enabling in-moment training adjustments and informed decision making.

All of Your Jump Data Stored In One, Accessible Location. Provided Readiness reports Inform Individual Athlete Status.
Easily Understand Athlete Readiness
Readiness reports illustrate performance trends with a color-coded system. Track progress using intuitive out-of-the-box reporting tools. Understand status for performance, readiness, and fatigue vs. last session, and a 30 day rolling average.

Validate programming
Leverage more frequent assessments to inform effectiveness of training programs. Ensure programs develop and align with desired performance outcomes.

See all of your performance data in a single location
One hub for all of your performance metrics. Take action insights using Perch's insights.

Evaluate performance in real time
Test more athletes, more often, more consistently to assess readiness, fatigue and progress daily. Get greater insight to athlete performance with less interruption to training workflow. Understand performance with built in insights and assessment tools.
Maximize efficiency and budgets using a single tool
Save time with at-rack assessments
Validate training decisions with live feedback and insights
Reduce injury and train safely with assessment data
Everything You Need, Nothing You Don't
A unified solution designed to maximize every moment in the weight room to increase athletic performance and safety
Powerful Performance, designed for the weight room!
See how all Perch products, from hardware to software, work together to deliver a seamless weight room experience.

Perch Is Used Across Every Level of Competition.

University of North Carolina Football
Learn more about how UNC Football uses Perch to enhance competition, monitor players, and improve performance on the weight room and on the football field.

McHenry High School
Read about how Coach John Beerbower and McHenry High School use and leverage weight room technology like Perch in their facility.

What Sets Perch Apart
Learn about what sets Perch apart from other VBT and weight room technology on the market.
The Better Way To Buy
How Can I Access My Data?
Perch is a cloud-based system. All of your data will be able to be viewed on your tablet, though most easily seen and organized in your dashboard at From there, you can look at the performance of your entire organization down to an individual athlete level, understand programming compliance, readiness, and even export any data through our robust export feature.
Do I need any special equipment to use Perch EVALUATE?
You do not need special equipment for Perch EVALUATE. All you need is yourself, Perch will track your body movement and be able to discern jump height, RSI Mod, and more metrics based on that alone.
How accurate is Perch EVALUATE?
Perch EVALUATE is undergoing extensive third party testing at the moment. It is consistent (ie reliable) in its outputs, and we are working on validity as compared to a force plate and 3D motion capture system now.
What metrics does Perch EVALUATE capture?
Perch EVALUATE captures jump height, RSI mod, time to takeoff, takeoff velocity, and rep count. Depending on your subscription tier, some of these may not be available to view.
Can I export the data to an AMS or CSV?
Yes! Depending on your tier, with Perch EVALUATE you are able to export all of the jump data to a CSV or AMS system.
How does Perch track jump height?
Jump height is a measure of displacement. Perch measures jump height simply by subtracting the height of the apex of the jump from the athlete’s standing height before the beginning of the jump.

Start Gathering Data With Perch Today!
Reach out to us to speak with a representative and get started using Perch in your facility.