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Perch: The Future of Strength Training

“As athletic development and technology continually evolve, I’m always looking for new ways to maximize my athletes’ potential,” said AC Flora High (S.C.) strength coach Micah Kurtz. “Perch is extremely intriguing because it shows the potential to become an efficient, affordable and portable method to quantify my athletes’ strength, power and...


Perch Looks to Reinvent the Rack with Smart Tech

The Perch module attaches to just about any rack and users can sign into their accounts from a tablet, which is also attached to the rack and Perch module. Perch then films and tracks every rep, allowing both athletes and coaches to analyze the workout, while also refining future workouts. "This helps to improve motivation and informs elite...


Perch – A Camera/Tablet Combo Making Gains for College Athletes Everywhere

Weightlifting is not something anyone can jump into and expect results. It takes time and effort to get the movements and form down for changes to show. Perch could be the product an athlete needs to help them get that form down and prevent a potentially serious injury from happening.


Pushing the limits of athletic performance

Rothman, who played on MIT’s baseball team as an undergraduate, is co-founder of Perch, a company that uses 3-D cameras to assess the velocity of a weightlifter’s movements and provide instant feedback on how to improve form and minimize the risk of injury.


Perch Uses 3D Cameras Attached To Weight Racks To Help Athletes Train Smarter

Perch enables Velocity Based Training (VBT), which allows coaches to put these unknowns (sleep, nutrition, work load, etc) in a black box and utilize velocity as a feedback mechanism. VBT improves safety, preventing athletes from lifting weight that is too heavy for a given day. Perch is providing an affordable, accurate, reliable, and...


Introducing: Perch, The Startup Using Machine Learning In The Gym For Smart Workouts

Scaling with you as you grow, Perch allows you to create workouts, surveys, assign velocity thresholds as well as deliver content directly to an on-rack tablet. Here, the user can view and annotate historical data and workout video or export data as a CSV for integration into your current workflow.


This MIT Startup’s 3D Cameras Analyze the Performance & Health of Athletes

In a world where wearables and fitness trackers are now the norm, the Perch team wanted to cater to athletes who need more specific metrics to guide their training. Perch aims to go beyond accelerometers that strength coaches and weightlifters use to monitor workout routines, tracking how fast a person is lifting, as well as form and power output.

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Perch Install at the University of Georgia Football

"It just gives us the chance to give athletes autonomy. They come in the weight room and doing it their own. It's amazing how quick they pick up on the technology."

Perch Install at UPenn

"Penn in the Ivy League is the intersection of Peak performance and Peak academic stressors, we need a solution for stressors they receive in both of those environments. Perch allows us to do that by providing data-driven solutions."

Perch Install at UNC Football

"The ability to track guys instantaneously and to analyze their movement patterns through technology in the weight room has been fantastic."

Perch Install at University of Maryland Football

"The equipment, the technology, the Perch and the velocity-based training, I think it's been the single biggest influence on our program. It's given a whole new dynamic to our training because it's a new level of focus for our athletes."

Perch Install at McHenry High School

"What I loved about it there was no tether to have the camera be mounted in the rack where I can focus on the athlete and coaching. It's very user-friendly and so their ability to engage and get feedback has been phenomenal."

Perch Install at Kansas State

"Working with Perch has been a breath of fresh air, from day one, they provided us with Gold Standard customer service."

Perch Install at Hebron Christian Academy

"It's relatively seamless for the athletes. At the same time, I get really accurate objective data. I can literally take models of training and produce evidence that those models of training do or don't work."

Perch Install at Wake Forest University

"The team's been awesome. Got everything installed, all our guys were able to get around them, ask questions, get right into it and hit the ground running day one."

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Scott Sinclair

University of Georgia

Head of Strength & Conditioning Coach

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Cory Walts

University of Pennsylvania

Director of Strength & Conditioning

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Brian Hess

University of North Carolina

Head Strength & Conditioning Coach — Football

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Ryan Davis

University of Maryland

Director Strength & Conditioning — UMD Football

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John Beerbower

McHenry High School

Director Strength & Conditioning

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Trumain Carroll

Kansas State University

Director Strength & Conditioning

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Spencer Arnold

Hebron Christian Academy

Director Strength & Conditioning

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Chad Bari

Wake Forest University

Director of Football Sports Performance


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Reach out to us to speak with a representative and get started using Perch in your facility.